How to reach us:
By plane:
Modena and Reggio Emilia can be reached from the airports of Bologna, Parma, Verona and Milan. From the airport of Bologna “G.Marconi” an Aerbus service for Modena is available.
By car:
Modena can be easily reached by the motorways A1 and A22. If you need more information you can check the web site of the Motorway Company (Società Autostrade SPA)
By train:
Modena and Reggio Emilia can be easily reached from the main italian towns. If you look for itineraries and timetables see the web site of the Ferrovie dello stato.
If you want to reach the different departments you can find taxi and buses from the railway station. If you look for timetables and routes you can check the civic public transports web site:
By Bus:
- For the city of Modena: SETA – Modena Bus Service
The Center for Genome Research consists of different laboratories located in different Departments of
- Modena University Campus (Via Campi): Bus n. 7, dir. “Policlinico-Gottardi”, stop “Università”
- Policlinico di Modena (Via del Pozzo): Bus n. 7, dir. “Policlinico-Gottardi”, stop “Policlinico”
- Nuovo Ospedale Civile S. Agostino-Estense (NOCSAE) di Baggiovara (MO): Bu: n 13 dir. “Ospedale Baggiovara”, stop “”Ospedale Baggiovara” or Train, Modena-Sassuolo, dir. “Sassuolo”, stop “Baggiovara Ospedale”
By Taxi:
The different core units of the Center for Genome Research are located, as described above, these are the exact addresses:
- Genomics for Industrial and Clinical Research (GenIC) Lab: Modena Universuty Campus, Via G. Campi 287, 4th floor, 41125, Modena
- ENDOLAB Unit: Ospedale Civile S. Agostino-Estense (NOCSAE) di Baggiovara, Via Pietro Giardini 1355, 41125, Baggiovara, Modena
There are 2 taxi companies in Modena and 2 apps downloadable for Taxi in the Modena area: